I’ve been going round and round throughout my life to think positively, use affirmations, and even to go so far as to plaster these same affirmations on post-it-notes all around my house. So that I may see them everywhere I look. Yet, there was something that was blocking my progress in life. I felt like a tornado was swirling all of these affirmations around in my head and not into my life and becoming reality.

Don’t get me wrong, affirmations work for some people and not for others. What is the key to them working? I did everything that others have said. Read up on all of the techniques in how to use affirmations. Again, something was intrinsically not working for me. My life wasn’t changing or moving forward and sometimes it was really taking a big shift backwards.

I got so fed up with all of the post-it-notes, that I took them off everything and tore them up and threw them away. Yelling out in frustration. What am I doing wrong? Why does it work for others? Why doesn’t it work for me? I suck. I’m not worthy. As these were swirling around in my head, I began to wonder what is it in life that one always goes to the negative…it’s me, it’s you, it’s someone or something else that is at fault.

Stepping into a course in shamanism, I was shown a way out of these negative thoughts / beliefs. Not by superseding them with “positive” affirmations or thoughts. It was by tapping into the “root” cause of them. Whether they are there from generational / ancestral upbringing, taught by society, or brought into this lifetime as Karma.

Sitting in silence, praying to see what can be lifted from your core being, and then removing it through all time lines, generations forward and backward, ancestral lines, throughout your DNA, cellular memories, all 4 aspects of self.

This has been a potent and powerful tool for me to learn and hone in on. The shifts in my life that have occurred have been many. I am now able to walk through things with ease and grace. I can now follow through with things that I have set my mind to doing, even if I feel a sense of fear, I still move forward. I’m more confident in what I am capable of doing. If I didn’t have slaying your negative beliefs in my life, I wouldn’t have been able to graduate from not 1 Shamanic year long academy but 2 of them. I wrote and published a children’s book. I curated Sacred Rage Journey Sessions, a Slay your Negative Beliefs Sessions as well as a 4 month Becoming Program.

Speaking all that I have accomplished sounds simple enough, it took several deep dives into my negative beliefs, pulling them out at the root cause to be able to accomplish all of that I have. I am in awe of all that came through me in one year. I am looking forward to seeing what else wants to be created through me to be shared with the world, knowing that I can move this forward with love, compassion and a willingness to birth it into existence. Will there be doubts? Yes. Will there be fear? Yes. The thing is, with this practice of Slaying your Negative Beliefs it makes it a possibility.

What are you wanting to bring forth into the world? What creation is awaiting for you to create? That only you can create…you are being called to bring it forth in the only way that you can bring it forth. No one else is able to bring it forth like you. You are special.

What is stopping you from doing just that? Fear? Doubt? Worthlessness?

Click HERE to learn more of Slaying your Negative Beliefs.

I’m looking forward to working with you in slaying your negative beliefs to watch in awe of the magic you’ll bring out into the world.