Discovering You

Discovering You

Who are you? When one asks you that question what is your answer? Most people that I’ve asked that question usually answer with a title: such as I’m a mother, I’m a father or they use a job title such as a lawyer, a doctor, a nurse, or just a housewife. Yet do...
What it is to slay your negative beliefs?

What it is to slay your negative beliefs?

I’ve been going round and round throughout my life to think positively, use affirmations, and even to go so far as to plaster these same affirmations on post-it-notes all around my house. So that I may see them everywhere I look. Yet, there was something that was...
Dreams don’t have an expiration date

Dreams don’t have an expiration date

Seeing this on a billboard the other day really brought me to tears. Yes, Dreams do not have an expiration date!! I had a dream 31 years ago to be a Children’s Book Author. Back then, after my daughter was born, I enrolled in a mail order course in becoming a...